
Back in the time when Jorritt still owned and ran the place we observed an adult family of six who came in and sat beside us with a big cooler in tow. The parents ordered two mixed drinks from the server while their four adult kids drank beers from the cooler.

Jorritt saw it and was clearly steamed but far too polite to say anything. A little after noon they started making plans to leave and go to SSB&G for lunch. An hour later Jorritt came over to us and asked where the group next to us had gone since they'd left their towels, cooler and various other things on the chairs, thus marking them as 'taken' until they returned.

We rather sheepishly told him we thought they might have gone to SSB&G for lunch and plane watching, at which point he muttered a few words (mostly under his breath but we got the gist....) and he picked up all their left behind items and took them to the bar to stow them for the return of the family, and straightened up their former chairs for the next comers.

We wanted to be nosy and stay around to see the outcome as the family returned but after an hour or so, we had enough sun so we left. I imagine, gentleman that he generally was, Jorritt kept his cool with them but I wouldn't have blamed him if he didn't.

He once told us we were welcome to bring a small cooler with our own NA beer and frozen water bottle but he also knew we started the day with smoothies and progressed through snacks, lunch and drinks for most of every day we spent there and rarely left with a check under a hundred dollars a day. And he didn't carry an NA beer, at least not at that time.

Once Jorritt and his wife left and Monique and a few others moved on, we did, too. The place just wasn't the same......too many chairs in the same amount of space; music too loud and for us, the classy ambiance of the place was lost with Jorritt and his wife's departure. We haven't been back in years.......and if it's a Simpson Bay kind of day, we're more inclined to do the Boon or ElZafiro.

We really do enjoy our quiet days at ElZafiro. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat