Agreed. Should not make a difference at this point.

CC or not even if you have "transactions" fees is really not a make or break situation, just what it is. And you get the bank rate instead of the local rate, which may or may not work in your benefit.

Go to Grand Case if you want and do not worry about the rate at this point, not sure how many pennies or a couple of dollars will count in the overall cost of the trip? If it is over $50, then will consider it. Currently that is not the case. I can go to a local place here at home and have a $25 difference, so not an issue, as far as I am concerned.

Not saying the +$25 is not better! <img src="" alt="" /> But everything is relative. <img src="" alt="" /> Not sure that there is anything here locally that would compete. So just different. <img src="" alt="" />

Eric Hill
TTOL Sponsors