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Here are the "official" results from West End Yacht Club. They also indicated "The committee made an error calculating the up to 45ft class," which translated meant that they added our race times together and carried an extra 1 in the hour column.

They also allowed Spellbound a Leopard 45 to to register as a Leopard 44 so they could compete in the under 45' class. I would have been happier if Freedom had received Baddest Cat since registering your boat for a shorter length doesn't show the best sportsmanship.

You may have heard reports that many people in the race had a very difficult time finding the weather mark including Cat Catatonic. The race committee indicated it was set in front of Smuggler's Cove and after repeated hails on the radio to them they insisted it was there. Cat Catatonic was the first boat to approach with many others in the fleet not far behind us when we discovered Wildfire headed for Sandy Cay, so they must have rounded the mark. All of a sudden we spotted the mark set in front of the Thatch Cut about a mile to our West. After talking with Wildfire at the buoy dedication, it was indeed true that he dropped the weather mark from his boat.

Next year I will offer to set the weather mark using Kittytonic and record the coordinates for all of the captains to have to make this a fair race. I've never heard of a race being run like this before.