I spent several weeks in Mali with a Malian friend, and I enjoyed many stews similar to this. However, in West Africa 2 pounds of chicken would be stretched MUCH further than 6 servings! The focus of the dishes we ate were the vegetables; if there was meat involved, it was merely an accent.

If you want a more veggie-heavy stew (or even leave out the chicken for a vegetarian dish) try adding potatoes or sweet potatoes, cabbage, greens (spinach works, but collard or mustard greens are sturdier), turnips, or carrots. Okra is another common addition, if you like it (I don't!) A generous dose of fresh grated ginger is also a delicious addition. If making this without meat, you can add protein by serving it with sliced or quartered hard-boiled eggs.

For a different spin, try serving over plain couscous.

Thanks for reminding me of this dish. I haven't made it in a while, but I think I will soon!