StormJib said:
The new plane if it ever gets here? So far one is built. Cape Air has 82 of the old planes to replace. The 100 planned P2012 Travellers are supposed to be more comfortable but will be 9 passenger aircraft limited to a useful load of 1350 kg – 2976 lb on a perfect day. That works out to 333 pounds for each passenger, all their stuff, and any paid cargo for others plus pilot(s) weight. Big people, with big bags will still be leaving stuff behind.

The P2012 is actually a 11 seat aircraft so flown with one pilot could take 10. Its structural max weight will give it about a 200lb advantage over the 402 it is designed to replace and they hope to bump it up another 200lbs. Structural Weight however is usually not the limiting factor in actual allowed max takeoff weight on a hot day. The P2012 will have a 500 to 600lb advantage over the Cessna on a 90 degree day. Your numbers are also off on the high side because you did not include fuel. That would drop the number to about 300lbs per person. That is a workable number since most flights include woman and children
The aircraft should do a nice job in the islands.

Last edited by GeorgeC1; 12/31/2016 04:20 PM.