This forum is an opportunity to provide advice and differentiating opinions, and while I don't post often I check-in to this forum nightly.

hallucination said:
INHO, calling for reservations NEVER works. Unless you have REALLY BIG boat. EARLY in the day works sometimes. Caution, the deckhands at Leverick will only help if you ASK for it. There are too many "i know what to do" captains, that are offended if the lowly dock hands tell the the "right" way to do things. Even if the dockhands are WWAAYY better than the ego captain.

During the time of year I charter, ~6 years in a row, the team at Leverick has been great, both with reservations ahead of time, and radio reservations when you're local to Gorda Sound. There was one time my crew didn't receive assistance from the dock crew, and in hindsight it was when the boats docking and fueling to dock crew ratio outnumbered them.

I personally appreciate the dock team's knowledge of how the current prevailing winds and current will help/hinder docking in a flash compared to me doing it solo and working through the changing variables.

They're good guys, want to assist and make you feel welcome at Leverick; a great place to fuel and take-on water.