So Monday Funday begins as they all do in the ilons- with coffee and Baileys....head a bit foggy but still in awe that we are finally back ...and this view ...

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Coffee followed promptly with Carib in a coozie, then a scrumptious breakfast featuring the tantalizing aroma of Canadian maple bacon from home accompanied by fluffy scrambled eggs and all the fixings compliments of the lovely Mr Willis .

Full intentions of bringing Reef Song from her ball to the dock this morning....but rain , rain and more rain....what to do.....lets do nothing sounds like a good idea...takes a few days for me to get into relax mode once on vacation and it is slowly starting to happen I sink into my comfy chair my real life fades into the background... Its gonna be a hot one!!

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Let's spend more time here with our friends sounds like a good idea. A great morning of conversation and just chilling then the skies clear.

Well our girl Reef Song has been sitting out there on our ball for a few weeks , she may be lonely. Let's go at least check on our baby...out we go to reunite ...all is well and as we sit in the cockpit absorbing all of the sounds of the bay we melt into realization that we need to spend more time here. Roosters, goats, the gentle lapping of the waves on the stern are heavenly ...

We spend a couple of serene hours solving all the problems of the world....which are few after a mere one day down ilon .
Oh I need to head in to meet up with a new potential friend TTOLer who is supposed to be at dock tonight . Collin, aka as Drichlet

OK back to shore we go and belly up to the jumbies bar. MY god I love you Floyd...what a great bartender ...and that smile. Met up with Friends Bob and Paul from Poet Warrior...Sarah if you are reading your hubby is such a nice guy and loves you soooo much.

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MR Michael Beans is in the house...and dinghy after dinghy of pirate clad sailors arrives in anxious anticipation.... They have changed the stage around and it is really cool...seems as if the house is jammed packed. The pirate songs arrrr a plenty and I begin to scan the crowd for a group of 20 or so excited crew....

I wander amidst the large tables asking foolishly do you have someone in your group named Colin....over and over again at large table after large table of pirate happy customers....really funny in hind sight.

I am sure they were all thinking who in the world is this idiot woman looking for?

SO after a few more beverages with Floyd, Bob and Paul I admit defeat and figure it is a " lost " opportunity to make another TTOL friend.

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up the hill we retreat for lobster pie with our dear friends only to arrive to find a huge party underway ....without me!!! Oh dear.

It's Colin and his crew who have apparently been here for hours !! So hilarious..
I have " found" and made a new and instant friend.

Lots of introductions and stories around the bar...what an incredible night we all had...

I am imagining a new Soap /reality TV show....instead of the Bold and Beautiful it was the (young and beautiful )....instead of below deck ... We were all (up in a tree house) ....

Sooooo cool .....

Lobster pie will have to wait <img src="" alt="" />
