There are a/c units in the bedroom and dining room. (We have a 1 bedroom unit). The problem is that the units can not handle pulling the moisture out of the air. If the dehumidifiers were not there (only 1 unit in the dining room) then the moisture builds up on the walls, clothes, and paper articles. So, you have to empty the unit out about every 6 or so hours. BTW - we don't have the balcony doors open! Now in the bedroom were there isn't any dehumidifiers it gets very uncomfortable so you have to lower the temp and it gets cold. If you don't do that then the moisture in the air gets very thick. I can't sleep in humid weather. That's how I end up catching a cold.
As far as RI is concerned I like the place but I don't like the fact that they won't upgrade their equipment. The Maintenance fees are pretty high for a 1 bedroom - that's another reason why I'm planning to get rid of this TS. Oh and why can't I have more than 1 pool towel? And most of the personnel behind the desk don't say hi or even smile. Kimany is the best though. Friendly, helpful and a very hard worker.