BaardJ said:

My only suggestion is to swap your Sat and Sun itineraries. Unless you're specifically looking to maximize your sailing time, departing from North Sound to Anegada will shorten the sail by an hour (or more if NE winds though unlikely in June) giving you more beach time. On Sunday, it's 2 hrs to the Dogs from Anegada leaving you plenty of time to get to Marina Cay. On Monday, departing for JVD from Marina Cay instead of Anegada shortens this sail by 2 hours leaving you more time to visit Sandy Cay and/or Sandy Spit (and even Monkey Point).

That's a great suggestion. I am trying to think why we wanted to stop off at Marina Cay after Leverick. I think it was to go to the baths but we are now going to the baths after Peter Island so that change could definitely be made.

The only other advantage to going to Anegada on the Sunday is that a cruise ship is in Rd Town that day but don't imagine that Marina Cay would be that busy from cruise ship activity. Going from Marina Cay to Jost also allows us to visit Monkey Point for a snorkel.