Day 2 -- 6-15-2017

Good Evening from Mont Vernon

Well our first full day on the island is now behind us, and tucked safely away in our memories.

Our first day started rather early -- like 0230 in the morning early. This was due to the fact that a rather loud storm was happening right outside our door. The wind-driven rain was coming down, or rather was being driven sideways I should say. And there was some thunder thrown into the mix as well. I promptly went back to bed, and returned to slumber. The next thing I remember bright sunlight was streaming in our windows and awakened me.

Coffee! I needed some coffee. So I hauled myself out of bed and started groggily stumbling about the kitchen looking for the ingredients of this life giving nectar.

Coffee, Check! Water, Check!, Coffeemaker, Check!, Coffee Filter, Oh no, we forgot the coffee filters! Now to me this is nearly a life threatening emergency. I need coffee, and I need it now. After a couple of seconds of near-panic, and few well chosen words mumbled under my breath, so as to not induce fear and trepidation in my now awaking wife -- who needs her coffee as well. I did what any red-blooded traveler who has forgotten something so vital would do. I improvised of course.

A couple of paper napkins, which we remembered to bring, stood in this morning and served as coffee filters. Soon the aroma of freshly brewed Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee was wafting through the studio, and shortly thereafter Diana and I were enjoying our morning on the balcony with steaming cups of our morning get-up-and-go nectar, and the sights of the island slowly waking up.

Before too long it was time to head to the beach at Club O, and spend the day basking in the sun and surf, so that’s what we did.

Soon after we arrived on the beach and secured our chairs for the day, we enjoyed another of our St. Martin traditions -- Chocolate croissants purchased from the Good Morning Bakery/Cafe, formerly known as Bread and Cake, in Orient Village. Oh life is good.

As people started to arrive, we were pleasantly surprised so see a couple of familiar faces. A couple we had met in September of 2015. After a few reintroductions, we resumed the friendship that had been made then. It always amazes me at how friendship can be made and maintained over long distances and time. It was like we had never been separated from each other for nearly two years. Only in St. Martin…

After a full day on the beach it was time to head back to the studio for a shower and some much needed subsistence.
Dinner was a simple meal prepared by Diana and I in our studio, and enjoyed as the sun was setting, and evening came to Orient Bay.

Yes life is good. We are blessed with reasonable health, love for one another, and the means of enjoying visits our little slice of paradise on earth. Who could ask for more?

So for now, let me say…

Good Night from Mont Vernon.

Last edited by astropilot; 06/16/2017 07:13 AM.

Dave & Diana