I just take the turnips (make sure you buy them AFTER the first Hard Frost, they are sweeter then) and cube them...
Then boil til very tender... Drain of as much water as you can from the turnips...
(I mash them in a collander then let them sit for about an hour in the collander to drain well)...
add about 1 cooked (in the Nuke) yam or sweet potato for each 2 pounds of turnip...
and about 1/3 cup Honey...
adjust honey to your sweetness tastes...
mash it all up til like mashed potatos... a little on the "chunky side"... I use a hand masher...
I also add some nutmeg &/or Chinese 5 spice powder, &/or some ground allspice... to taste...
S&P to taste... (you really need a LITTLE salt to bring out all the flavors)...
spices are all up to you, as you like them... BUT don not overdo the spices, a little goes a long way! or you will overpower the dish...
Or even easier... add a can of yams in syrup, rather than fresh yams & honey...
(lately I do prefer using canned yams, better flavor IMO)...
YUMMMM!!! They are so good!
Bon Appetit

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"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{