Autoeng said "I’m not sure that we will go back to St. Martin. The flights from the mid-west were expensive ($900 each). We loved the clothing optional beaches and they are few and far in-between in the states so if we want to enjoy the freedom of naturalism again we just may have to. We’ve heard there is a place in Indiana that we will investigate. "

You might also want to look at Avalon Resort in Hampshire County in eastern WV. ( It's about 7 hours east of Lexington driving time.

We first found Club Orient on a cruise in the late 1990s, and went once a year for well over a decade. We found Avalon in 2001 and having been enjoying it ever since...and we live in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay.

Check it out...

Last edited by Bill_S; 07/26/2017 12:58 PM.
