Sort of a combination of sources. I have apps that download the latest GRIB files every 6 hours and follow the EURO models. Also the Weather Channel has some good data mixed with the basics. The spaghetti models don't really show the detail that GRIB forecast do but StormCarib has a neat ap that uses the latest GRIBs to calculate the closes point of approach to any point. You can enter an island (uses airport as locus) or enter a lat/lon and it returns the closest point of approach, distance, time and lat/lon. I plot that on Google Earth and it is easy to see the path shifting south. Right now if you pick the lat/lon of South Sound it says Thorsten's house is toast.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. - Mark Twain