CWB posted this earlier today...

[/i]Cow Wreck Beach is reaching out to our friends and community for support to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Irma. Cow Wreck Beach Bar has always been a family-run business, and we are extremely proud of our hardworking staff and community. My mom "Bell" and Dad "Wendell" started Cow Wreck Beach Bar from nothing.

Cow Wreck Beach Bar has become more than a place. It has become home to travelers around the world who are friends to our family and have shared in wonderful memories and connections. We wish to continue this great place and these friendships, but it’s going to be a very difficult and expensive road to rebuild. But with your help, we can make CWB better and stronger than before.

We thank you for the kindness and will provide updates to our supporters at each step of the way.

Bell & Ann[i]

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