Irma destruction of all of the yachts in VGYH was difficult enough to see. However, after 8 weeks post Irma, the VGYH management has not communicated with owners nor have they set a plan to recover the boats in the yard. Owners are getting very frustrated with the lack of communication. When compared to Nanny Cay, VGYH is a one, on a scale of one to ten. I wish anyone who has made them their home port or summer storage yard all the best. I'm guessing that our boats in the yard are not important to the local investors and due to the extent of the damage they feel it is would be better to be elusive rather then proactive. If they want to continue as a marina and yard, especially after buying the 320 ton travel lift, they should start with coordinating with owners of boats in the yard,

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Association of Amateur and Recreational Pirates