
We’re in touch with Barbara and Dee regularly and they are sounding stronger and more resolved with every week that passes. They, along with so many others who stayed and struggled through both the storm and its immediate aftermath endured a terrible heartache and losses and deprivations most of us will never know. Yours is a lovely tribute to them and to so many others on our beloved Island who have experienced the wrath of Irma. The good news is they will survive and be even stronger for their struggles, and while we wish they didn’t have to go through the experiences in the first place, we know in the end, the Island and it’s people will come through it all and be even better down the road.

Thank you for sharing your and their story. It’s the story of too many and we need to continue to support them in each and every way we can, be that through our donations, or by our physical return to the island as we’re able. And lastly, through our prayers and good thoughts for all the people of Sint Maarten-St. Martin. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat