“Selling from the back of their truck....”

That is pretty much the way they did it ‘back in the day’ only in most cases, the back of the truck was actually the bottom of their boat or a cloth on the ground or a small table displaying their wares. It was pretty cool to see the small boats tied up and in the case of the fishermen, the array of fish and colors, sometimes still thrashing about in the boat, was surely a sight to see. Again, this was pre-SPEED II or whatever that movie was called, and the little boats from all around the island came in and tied up at the water’s edge to sell their goods.

Not too long ago I saw some pictures Kim had filched from one of our really old SXM family albums on line somewhere showing an animal butchered and on a wooden table at the same market. As the customer would step up to the stall the farmer would lop off a hunk of meat and wrap it up in paper tied with string for the purchaser. Yuck! But that’s the way it was done back in the late 70’s and into the mid 80’s at least.

Back then you could actually find Island souvenirs that were made on the island of SXM and the Knick-nacky items and tee shirts and such weren’t the predominant sales items like they are today.

Last edited by pat; 01/08/2018 08:32 PM.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat