I owned two different condos on Saint Martin for almost 20 years and sold the second one in the middle of 2016. And of course everybody tells me that we were so lucky to do it and avoid Irma and everything connected with that. How come I don’t feel so lucky???? Mostly I just miss it and feel very sad that Irma happened and changed the island forever. Our last trip there was in July of 2017 and we had a great time. I kept thinking that even though we don’t own here anymore I can still visit and get my “ Saint Martin” fix. But of course everything changed. We still have great friends that live there and we talk but of course that can’t be the subject of every conversation. It’s boring and depressing after a while. But I feel like I lost a great friend and I never thought that I could feel that way about any place. It just points out to me how lucky all of us were to spend quality time there and be a part of such great experiences.

It is my hope that everybody connected with the island prospers in 2018 and things get better and a sense of normalcy returns. It is a wonderful and special place and I just wish that none of this ever happened. My thoughts are always with everybody there and when things have improved we’ll be there again. I really miss it.

Bob Jacobs