We would like to provide an official response to the information being shared on this forum.
Some of it, based on a talk by an owner at a recent meeting held on the mid-winter nude cruise, is correct, some of it is partially correct, and some of it is incorrect.
We have been trying to post accurate, updated information on the status of the resort on our Facebook page as soon as it is made available to us and on a regular basis. In addition, we have emailed newsletters out to everyone on our mailing list with updated information.
There are currently only four of us on the island, working for Club Orient full time, who are aware existing situation at any given period. What is true today may not be true tomorrow, or accurate next week. A number of issues are in flux, and this is one of the reasons we may sometimes wait to post an update until we are certain.
We want to be as transparent as possible with our guests, and we are doing our best to make sure only accurate information is posted. Unfortunately, with the amount of misinformation posted online concerning Club Orient, it is difficult and time consuming for us to try to address all of the inaccurate postings.

As an example, just after the hurricane, Nancy Tiemann from Bare Necessities kindly set up a Gofundme account for our employees.
We received over $150,000 in donations, and were able to distribute 100% of this money to our employees on Monday, October 30, 2017 (after paying for the different fees like the Gofundme commission, currency exchange, bank & security).

We posted this information along with a photo of our employees receiving this money on our Facebook page on October 31st and yet, for whatever reason, some people with access to the internet post, not just nonsense, but blatant falsehoods, accusing us of pocketing some or all of the donations.

Also, we are currently paying to our employees 70% of their full gross salary, and they continue to receive this money from us, not the government, even though they are not working. We get a small percentage of this returned usually within about two months.

In addition, all employees were also given the annual 13th month salary, as they have been every year. We also have paid vacation pay to all of those who were due vacation.
Our employees safety and well-being have been our biggest concern from day one.

In closing, for current and more importantly, accurate updates, we ask that you please visit our Facebook page, or send an email to reservations@cluborient.com and we will answer whatever questions you may have accurately and in a timely manner.

We will be posting another update soon, including a picture showing the progress we are making during the cleanup process. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us during this difficult time and are supporting us by posting positive comments and very generous donations. We look forward to welcoming you back to a new and improved Club Orient.