Actually, I was remiss in not advising you that the cost of wine on Grand Cayman, as compared to hard liquor and beer, is not as dramatic a hit to your wallet. The duty tariff is a straight $3.30 CI per liter on wine (except Champagne which is $10.50 CI per liter), no matter the value. So the more expansive the bottle, the less the relative hit to your wallet. Beer duty tariff is $1.65 CI per liter(~$17 USD for a case) and spirits range from $11.50 - $15.68 CI per liter.

Check out the pricing (just add 25% for US or CA dollars cost equivalents) to see if it is worthwhile bringing your own.

If you ended up paying an extra baggage fee for the box, it would probably really be negligible savings.

We'll usually buy Rum, Vodka, etc.. at the Duty Free store on the way there and purchase Wine on island. Many places also offer a 10% discount when buying 12 or more bottles.


Snorkel air just tastes better than canned air...