If things were normal (meaning that hurricane Irma never hit the island) typically the months of August and September saw many places on the French side around Orient Bay and Cul-de-Sac close down for several weeks and reopen in mid-October. But, as Carol points out above it is usually business as usual on the Dutch side. In addition, after last year's hurricane season maybe August and September aren't the best months to consider. Add to this the destruction from Irma last year (nine months ago tomorrow) and many of the places that were once there are either gone or undergoing significant repairs. My advice would be to still plan your 2018 trip, but if possible target late November or early December for your visit. The Atlantic Hurricane season will be over by then, and if everything goes well there should be more businesses, restaurants, etc. back up-and-running. That's my hope (and plan) at this time.