Correct, no safety concerns whatsoever. Of course we never ever leave anything in the car. Only one time we left anything in the car, some wine that we bought before going to lunch. But even then the car was where we could see it, not that I watched it at all even. Car was unlocked and so somebody could have opened the door and popped the trunk and got our couple of bottles of wine.

But the wine survived, at least until it got home and was attacked by the cork screw!! drinking But it sacrificed itself for the cause!! rofl

But again never felt unsafe or even uneasy at any time. But we went out for lunch more this time..... not intentional, just the way it worked out. Went out for dinner several times, but lunch was the main thing. Nice 2 hour lunches have a place and we really enjoyed them. Had not really done that before and so not only was it a change, but it was nice.

Of course having the grill here and doing some of the meals that Carol has posted pictures of is not bad either. Also, neither of us can eat a huge 2 hour lunch and also a big dinner the same day. Have to watch the food intake while on vacation -- NOT!!! dine

Eric Hill
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