You are very welcome but in all fairness - I really need to add - there is ONE problem I've experienced with using Jeannie and Shopndrop. Once you use her, if you're like 99% of her customers (perhaps even a hundred percent but I'm thinking there's always someone who might have a problem......) once you use her the first time, you'll never want to grocery shop again on St. Maarten.

It's wonderful to arrive at your condo or apartment or villa and be able to go straight to the fridge for a cold drink. We usually order the typical things you might need for the first couple of days including coffee, half and half and fresh pastries for that first morning, along with something to throw together a simple dinner the first night if we're of a mind to, and then we restock at our convenience.

This service was one of my very best SXM finds, for sure!!



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat