On the Listing of Businesses Open thread, the Fort Burt hotel was listed as open as of March 2018.

From various websites (the hotel's at https://www.fortburt.com/en-gb) and various hotel booking sites (Expedia, Bookings, etc) show it and one can book rooms through them.
I have booked rooms via Expedia BUT want to confirm everything given what I've encountered.

BUT!!! The phone # listed (+1 284-494-2587) only answers with "insufficient funds in accounts". No answering machine or warm body to talk to.
That does not bode well to me.

Been trying various approaches to find out information.
Their Facebook page hasn't been updated in several years. A tripadvisor review was posted about staying there in Sept 2018.

Can anyone confirm DEFINITIVELY if Fort Burt's in open as of Nov 2018?
And more importantly. Does anyone have a VALID/WORKING phone # to contact someone to confirm any online booking is truly valid?
