Originally Posted by boucharda
Reached my limit on editing but I did find this on the AA site but probably outdated BUT it does make more sense:

Although we don’t serve peanuts, we do serve other nut products (such as warmed nuts) and there may be trace elements of unspecified nut ingredient, including peanut oils, in meals and snacks. Additionally, other customers can bring peanuts or other tree nuts on board.

We can’t accommodate requests to not serve certain foods, provide nut “buffer zones,” or allow you to board early to clean your area. Our planes are cleaned regularly, but can’t guarantee the removal of nut allergens on surfaces or in the air filters. Because of this, can’t guarantee you won’t be exposed to peanuts or other tree nuts during flight, and we strongly encourage those with allergies to take all necessary medical precautions before flying.

Edit (sorry): 1) Delta presently allows pre-boarding for travelers with nut allergies. 2) This is the complaint about AA that initiated AA's new policy:

No Nut Traveller link

Regarding the story in the link...I'm sorry, but if your child is allergic to all tree nuts she should be getting allergy immunotherapy! I do not want to be inconvenienced or have my habits changed because of you. You can chose alternate travel IMO. Keep that Epi pen close kid!

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