11/12/2018 - week two, day one

I’d love to be able to report that we’ve set the island on its ear with all our many activities, but sad to admit, it’s a week to the day since we arrived and so far we’ve done absolutely nothing. How boring we’ve become but the truth is, we’ve absolutely enjoyed every single day so far.

We almost made it to Cupecoy for dinner last night - we both were tasting a Fat Tony’s Pizza - but as we waited for the security gate here at BSV to open we decided we really didn’t want to take our trusty R14 through White Sands Lake so we pulled out and immediately turned in to El Zafiro and had dinner there. DH has fallen in love with a mussel appetizer they have on their menu and I’m almost always good for a chicken Cesar Salad so it was all good. Only thing is, if we had planned better we could have walked. Nah! Then it would have rained for sure.

We started out for Mullet this morning but the rain came and we decided to enjoy our pool and beach and neighbors again.

Tonight we left for dinner with no particular spot in mind - maybe Le Moulin Fou in the unlikely event we could find convenient parking, and if not we could attempt that pizza we didn’t get to last night and if all else failed, there was bound to be something inviting at Porto Cupecoy. Neither one of us could believe it when we snagged the last spot behind Moulin Fou - lucky us.

And even luckier yet was running into internet friends I’d been hoping to meet in real time for a long time. So nice to finally meet you, Joyce. And now I stand at two down and one to go - looking for Linda Lehman and I’ll be batting a thousand for this trip. Karen, Joyce and hopefully, Linda yet to come. And about half way through our dinner, Max from one of the CG family of jewelry stores came in. By the time we left, every seat in the house was taken, mostly with French locals, so I guess it was a good choice.

Dinner at Moulin Fou is always delicious. We thought - briefly - about dining outside but given our track record with the rain we chose indoor seating. About half way through our dinner - broiled sea scallops and lobster Thermidor - it started to pour again. Dinner was perfection and by the time we were ready to leave the rain had stopped. Of course it had stopped since this time I remembered to bring my umbrella to dinner, unlike the other night when I forgot it and we both got soaked.

Headed home only to find White Sands Lake has gotten a little wider, but as long as you creep through it and exercise courtesy towards the on-coming traffic, no problem, mon.

And thus ends another perfect islon day.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat