I've been getting a lot of e mails asking about our place, Chateau Relaxeau Caribe and the state of vacation rentals in Little Apple Bay. Our ground floor rental unit is progressing slowly..new sea wall making the deck much bigger..new doors and shutters going in..work starting on new kitchen and some plumbing issues..hoping we might be ready to rent in Feb with some serious TTOL discounts. Casa Caribe has been up and running for a couple of months and doing a lot of business. The Big Apple is in pretty bad shape on the ground floor with a couple of guys living upstairs and working on the place. Shifting Sands has had no work done on it at all and is falling into total disrepair..very sad..remembering those wonderful afternoons on that patio with Warren and Elizabeth. Calypso House, "Island" Jim's place is being fixed..new sea wall etc and I am told it will be put on the market for sale..I'm hearing $785,000 or so if anyone is interested. We are back in smokey Sonoma and hope to be back in CRC for New Year's..thanks to everyone who has helped and encouraged us through all of this. You know who you are and the welcome mat will always be out for you!