If you stay st thomas and st john you will on most days not be sailing very far. Where to go? That's entirely dependent on what you want to find. We don't tend to spend much time on St. Thomas because it's not what we're looking for. Nonetheless, I think Magen's bay and the Christmas Cove area are nice. St. John is more my style but if solitude isn't what you are looking for you may be disappointed. Far fewer eats/bar places than you will see in the BVI. My favorite St. John places are Cinnamon, Maho, Francis and Leinster bays on the north side. On the south side Little and Great Lameshur as well as Salt Pond bays. You might venture in to Coral Harbor to find some eat-ashore establishments. Many years ago we stayed a night in hurricane hole but I don't think you can do that anymore.

Life's short - sail more!