
Just back from our 6th trip to Tulum in 2 years. Stay on the beach at a small hotel that is the last hotel before the Sian Kaan Bioreserve.

We have done 4 couples trips and I have gone down on my own twice as well.

Each day my routine includes several hours a day walking nude in the reserve - or just laying out. Usually a hour walk about 10 then again at 3.

There are very few facilities although some rental houses in the reserve. Some days I'll run into other nudists - some days none.

One day this last trip I walked for three hours, 1 and 1/2 each way and ran into perhaps 8 people. Most were workers raking up the seaweed - and a few couples on chairs at their beach house. Imagine a stretch of beach that you can see 500? yards in each direction and you are the ONLY one on it. Pretty cool.

Depending on the situation - if I see a guy raking the sand - I might just hold my shorts in front till I get back and keep on rolling. Other times if there is a mexican couple I would of course pop the shorts on for a few minutes. No one seems offended - I wave and they wave back.

In encountering other walkers coming towards me- when I get to the distance that I can tell that they do have a suit on I'll pull my shorts on till I get by them plus 100 yards or so. They can usually tell that I was just nude and I will get anything from a smile to ignored when we finally pass.

In my 20 years of being in AANR and visiting maybe 20 resorts around the country I can say that this is a truly unique experience. You have to get into the reserve either by renting there, by car, or by staying in a beach hotel and walking in - but once there you are pretty much good to go - by just being polite.

Lastly I have also practiced discrete nudity at the hotel we stay at - in November when it was quiet on the beach and at the hotel. I asked the manager first how little I could get away with and she said that they have guests that go nude. So I did - with just a bit of draping when face up. Nobody walking by seemed to care. I think it would depend on the guest mix if you felt comfortable baring all however. The staff at this hotel doesn't care.

