Before the storm, as we all know, some flights boarded from jetways coming off the 2nd floor where all the stores and restaurants were located. However, for some flights you went to the far right of the terminal and down some stairs to a waiting room for loading onto buses. At the far right of that lower area was a slight ramp going upward for arriving passengers coming off buses. That lower area is now the only boarding area. The area at the top of the stairs is where the food is located. It is about 1/1000 of the space formerly being used as the retail area on the second floor. It will be packed with people. Many think it will be to their advantage to sneak by the women checking boarding passes at the top of the stairs and escalator. will move into the sardine area.
If you are boarding group one, you'll be the first out the door, the first into the bus, the last out of the bus and the last into the plane!