Day 10 - After kind of a short night, it was off to La Sucriere for goodies. A short grocery trip for soda, cookies, OJ, Cheetos. A mid morning nap, just because. Lunch, afternoon nap(gee, I'm getting boring). Then it was off to Rembrandt Cafe in Madame Estates to meet Bill and Elaine, have a couple beers, listen( at a distance) to Ronnie S, and three others play Classic Rock. Also had a pork tenderloin sandwich($7.). Lots of good conversation. Then it was onto Snoopy's on Welfare Rd. Our long time friend Maggi, owner of Captain Olivers. was going to be there and we wanted to say Hello. Betty and I split an order of potato skins($8.95). Needing a little dessert, it was off to The Palm's for a piece of Carrot Cake. It's incredible how quickly it disappears. Almost gone before I can get the camera out.


Next SXM visit -November 2023. Also January 2024.