Originally Posted by MrMGtd
As has been posted before the cruise ship port arrive/departure schedule can be gotten at http://bviports.org/cruise-schedule/

Unfortunately it seems that the schedules are posted on the 1st of the month. (At least March's wasn't posted until March 1)
Which is a bummer planning for our trip the 1st week in April!
Makes it harder to map out an itinerary to avoid them and the path of all the rest of the weekend charters!
Oh well, it'll still be sailing in the Caribe!

I think they might just be late in updated it. I had the cruise ship schedule at the end of last year for this Feb 19. Maybe they do 1x per quarter but this list was great as it is concise and not much work. Thanks to whomever let me know about it as it saved us at the Baths.