Yes, RonDon you do. Then as you enter there are 24 ticket windows for check-in. If you arrive too early they may have you wait to get in line if there's another flight with the same airline leaving before you. In our case we had to wait for the JFK flight to check in, then they let the Atlanta folks line up. But, it went pretty well overall. Once through, you go through security which was a little slow, and there's no 'TSA Pre-check' here! Once through that area, you enter a large waiting room that had plenty of places to sit and relax. Here you can get something to eat or drink while you wait, and hit the bathrooms as well. Finally, you will head don to one of seven make-shift gates that really aren't actually airport gates but just doors leaving the building. Some people got on buses to take them to their plans, but our Delta flight was right there so we just walked over to it. As previously mentioned on this forum there are no jetways that I could see, but the old-style portable stairs into the airplane. All-in-all it went good, and our flight was only 10 minutes late getting off the ground.