Originally Posted by Beachnut82
My husband and I traveled home last Saturday the 27th. We do not check any luggage which definitely helps. My husband had read a recommendation that you go 3 hrs before flight which seemed crazy but that is what we did. We were through getting our passes, Immigration and security and sitting in the lower level within 30 mins. Within a half hour or so of sitting down the waiting area was packed with people. Many standing or sitting on floor. So we were glad we had gone early even though it was a wait till our flight which thankfully was on time.

Same thing happened to us. We went 3 hours early on Saturday, March 23. Got through security and cheack-in in about 40 minutes. The guy at the ticket counter told us we were smart to come that early because in less than an hour the lines would be three or four times as long. He was right. It was chaos, but we were fine. Next year we're coming on Sunday and leaving on Friday. (Granted, it's easier to make that compromise when you're staying for several weeks.) Saturday is a zoo.