
More than half the balls vacant at Cooper last night, all night.

15 empty at Marina Cay at 5pm today

More than half of The Bight at Norman vacant on Friday.


Pirates at Norman very happy to do takeaway food - fab dinner aboard.

Cooper (had previously said yes on email) said no (after we just had lunch and drinks there), in a fairly aggressive way...fair enough, no problem, we're on island-time, water off a ducks back, more painkillers back aboard! So we instead gave our $$$ to Deliverance, who delivered food from Red Rock (East End) to the boat...fantastic! Ordered by FB message, paid in cash. Superb service. As an aside it seemed odd as Cooper was dead, with a mostly empty restaurant that night, but hey, their loss!

Marina Cay - super-happy to do takeaway, ordered at lunch, plan to collect in an hour or so...

Will continue to update over coming days if anyone is interested!