I encourage anyone interested in booking a nudist resort in Desert Hot Springs to thoroughly research the place beforehand. A cursory Google search will discover that SMI has been in the media for lifestyles type activities and reports that Areolas, under the guise of tantric message, is much the same. From past TV coverage and reports, the city officials of Desert Hot Springs were "completely surprised" these type of establishments were in their fair city.

Beyond lifestyle activity, I'd hate to see people spend a large amount of money to fly to the lower Mojave desert believing they were destined for the beautiful Coachella Valley and the resorts of Palm Desert or Rancho Mirage. In actuality these nudist resorts in Desert Hot Springs are one small step removed from a movie set like this: http://betterphoto.com/gallery/dynogalldetail.asp?photoID=1009505

Proceed with caution.