Just got finished breaking in our new generator. Current track as of 11am has it off shore and just some tropical winds for us inland.

HOWEVER, it is just not that simple either. We have had major rains the last 30 days. Some areas are under water just from the rains. So more rain and almost any kind of wind -- means down trees across power lines. So power may be our problem more than anything. Our house and water is not a problem, and new roof from Irma is now not a problem. But power can be a problem, as we have had some outages just from the rains/thunderstorms the last 30 days. Not talking blips (those have been more than I can count - that is why we have battery backup on our tv's and satellite connection), but have had several hours of outages over the last thirty days.

As a result we are expecting probably a day or two of no power at the house and are preparing for that now.

Eric Hill
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