Not sure what happened with yours Georgia. Did you make sure to go into the settings and turn data back on? I had it off, and also in airplane it would only work in wi-fi or as a phone. Used those codes yesterday and it is working. Did you also make sure to re-set your phone? (taking the battery out and re-installing)

Now that I have data reactivated, I am turning the data usage off when I am in wi-fi again...just to save, just in case.

I have added $ to the phone at Maho Market and also at the Mailbox. Honestly, I'm not sure what is left on my TopUp card, or if I've added to it since Sharon's store. In between visits I have my calendar set to extend the expiration for free online. I use to add $1 to the phone every 60 days until I realized I didn't have to do that.

Good luck! Let me know if I can help.

"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest" wink