Originally Posted by Michel_Benarrosh
Hi all.

Cruising the BVIs, here are 2 things that struck me.

A) At Jost/Great Harbor, I hope for you that you like pot smell. I was on a mooring ball 200 yards from shore and STILL smelling pot well inside the boat cabins... I have no idea where this was coming from. It did not stop for 2 days that I was there. And no, it was not coming from other boats. I have nothing against pot (actually I HAVE, but that is another story) but I should not be forced to smell it no mater what.

B) NPS morning balls.
I went to the Baths. Along with another boat, I waited for 1 HOUR in hope a mooring ball would free up. NOPE. . I saw people on their boat having lunch, or sun tanning on the foredeck, etc. You get the idea.... I got close to the boat where people where having lunch and asked them if they knew they should let other boats access to the ball. The guy gave me the finger, if you can believe that.
So I finally left...I was FUMING...
I think it is a mere SCANDAL that some boats settle on those balls for hours when everyone knows that this is a visiting site.
I know it is not easy, but something should be done, at least educating charterers on that issue. Something... whatever it is.

Safe and courteous sail, everyone...

Oh how distressing, why didn’t you take off your high heels and throw them at them.