We always try to get to Phillipsburg at least once, and make a purchase....lol my husband cringes...:) But,,we used to be able to grab a parking spot beside Great Bay resort,,pre Irma, right on the beach then walk downtown. However, that is all blocked off as we found out, so had to try to find the town parking lot, which was full. It was a very real problem to find a spot to park. That is the downside for us.
We have often thought of going to dinner at Chesterfields,,,but I really do not like the vibe in Phillipsburg at night time, so have yet to eat there. Maybe lunch one day this time.
I hope something changes or they can at least make another parking lot. I try to avoid days when there are several cruise shiips in...will see what it is like in Feb when we go.

Randy and Meg Young