quote=pk5352]Right! As I thought. So let me ask another question, that is perhaps harder to answer...Worth it?

Good question...We often go during that time of year due to college kids' schedules and my schedule as a teacher. It is definitely crowded and you really have to plan your day, get up early and get to the next anchorage in order to find a mooring ball as well as have a backup plan. My kids enjoy it though, because they like to meet new people and like the vibe of the bars at that time of year. Foxy's for New Years is definitely something to say you have done, especially if you have college age kids. We've done it 3 or 4 times and I don't need to do it again (would rather hang at Corsairs instead) but it is an experience. Jost on New Years is really cool because they set up various food/drink/souvenir stands all up and down the road along the beach. We've also spent New Years in North Sound and went to Saba Rock for dinner and late night at Leverick when the kids were younger and once at Trellis which was pretty cool. Just realizing that this has turned into a "what to do for New Years" post, LOL. Anyway, if you are thinking of going that week I would start searching for boat availability. We also get our plane tickets far in advance but we come from Colorado and don't have as many options as others.

s/v Ripple
Leopard 40

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