Getting back to states earlier this week I was surprised by the panic buying going on here. Just shook my head as I walked past rows of empty bread aisles and empty shelves that used to contain toilet paper and various disinfectants. Preparedness and panic are two different things, but with the hysteria around this latest virus people react differently and don't always use their best judgement. With that said, the Market Garden Supermarket located in the heart of Simpson Bay had ample stock of everything. We purchased Clorox wipes there for the trip back home, and there were plenty of them available along with Lysol wipes. That was last Tuesday, so no telling what stock might look like today. What's interesting is that I don't recall this kind of panic during the Swine Flu outbreak of 2009 (which had a similar mortality rate of about 2.3%). I suppose what's going on today is the result of 'more connected' world with constant media coverage hitting us from all sides telling us how bad this is and how much worse this could get.