I think something like that might be a big booster of tourism (airlines, cruises, other resorts).

At some point we have to know with certainty who the red dots and green dots are and be able to quickly determine red and green dot status.

In 2014, I was on a 5 country business trip and went from Netherlands to Norway on a Wednesday. On Thursday in a mtg I new I wasn’t well with a fever and I felt contagious. I moved away from the main table and didn’t shake hands. ON Friday afternoon, I went to a pharmacy in downtown Oslo and they pointed me to a private doctor. The doctor gave me antibiotics and as I had a 6am flight through Germany to Istanbul he took a tiny squarish pipette pin prick from my finger and put it in a machine. He had an answer in minutes as to whether my infection was too “hot” to travel.

I don’t know what that machine tested that quick, but a got the OK to Fly to Istanbul, ate room service and slept as much of that off as I could before Monday meetings. It was scary and the cough lasted for some time and I had to visit Italy on the way back.

I can only imagine having this to fight alone in a foreign country.

Let’s hope for extensive mitigation of this bug.