Carol - Yes Great Memories!

The Plaza Mayor is just a symbol that important things don’t change when cared for, and that time will solve everything.

Completed in 1755 (Older than our nation) the plaza has survived the invasion of Napoleon, Civil War, the Spanish Flu in 1918, and 13 wild kids in 1972!
And it will now survive COVID-19.

So… we are stuck inside probably in our largest investment (or bill) with the people we love, and with time on our hands.

We will return to normal and maybe now appreciate the people, things, and places we love.

I going to learn more about wine… And Rick looks like he is tearing up the kitchen with his family…
(Oh yeah - my sweetie is retiring in two weeks)
Life is good! Just different.

Today’s Factoid - By the way the Spanish Flu was anything but Spanish. The Allied Press was censored and the story suppressed for morale purposes. Spain being neutral in WWI reported the news…
So the powers to be at the time asserted it was a Spanish problem. Where most now believe it started in UK, USA, France, and yes China is also a suspect also.
See somethings never change. cloud

“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés