Sounds like this PM plan is to have everyone plant a garden and wait it out. Seriously? In the meantime relieve money is slow to come or not coming and they are debating on who’s salary’s get cuts and avoiding the question as much as possible, when will the airport open. Obviously you can’t have tourists in quarantine so do they really think by keeping the island closed isn’t going to cause much worse long term damage than the virus? While they debate where are the moneys going to come from you have tourists begging to come back on the island to spend tourist dollars. SXM people want to work they don’t want to beg for money or fake offers of help. They can’t hide from this forever and they can’t just wait it out. People are learning to deal with around the world and opening. Hopefully sxm government will realize they to will have to open and stop hiding from this cause it will be around for a long time. We are taking about something that you have a .001 chance of dying from. Set up your arrival protocols , take precautions. Everyday is another day lost and the more damage long term.