Like the others above have said I would keep monitoring the situation. There are so many unknowns at the present time that none of us can really provide you with a definitive answer. But, I do believe it is still important to plan and look forward to future trips to SXM. My personal opinion is that I would wait until the emergence of an effective vaccine is in place, which I believe will arrive later this year and most likely in December. COVID-19 is still going to linger and hang around until a vaccine takes it out once and for all. Multiple bio tech companies around the world have entered human clinical trials with their vaccine protocols, with some looking more promising than others. Vaccines that prevent SARS-Cov2 infections will most assuredly come, but the challenges will then center around the mass production of the vaccine(s) and the distribution of it to the public. Let's hope this goes better than the testing for this disease from earlier this year.

As for an October trip, I would keep close watch on the status of COVID-19 cases on St. Martin. Not necessarily the number of new cases being reported (because that increases when additional testing occurs), but the number of hospitalizations on both sides of the island if that information can be obtained. The severity of any disease hinges on how many people wind up in the hospital, so that's worth paying attention to. If this number is increasing in July and August, I would postpone your trip until early 2021. But, if the numbers are steady or decreasing it may be worth holding on to your plans. I can't tell you how AA will handle things, but I wouldn't wait until the last minute to postpone your flight arrangements. Hope this helps.