Totally understand - I was not aware of medical issues.

Although one of the best ways is find a great street cafe and watch Europe go by.
I can sit for hours along a canal in Amsterdam, or even better rent a canal boat (VRBO) and sit on the roof.
Tapas in Andalucía at beach side bar staring at the Med and Gibraltar in the distance with a bottle of wine is hard to beat
and as you have seen in Beerman's and my pictures in the past... A balcony in the Cinque Terre will create a lifetime memory.

So many rush to the museums, Cathedrals, and tourist attractions that they miss Europe.

I remember when I first got on this board everyone always talked about "Sand Gravity" in SXM
You can do the same in Europe!

Ahh but at last... for now we have the "germ" and are not welcomed

“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés