Yes, from a STT resident on Thursday - just confirms the infectious nature of this virus...
Many travelers are awaiting an official release on the USVI site to enable them to cancel their accommodations penalty-free...

Effective Monday August 17th and in light of the surge in positive Covid cases in the territory, we go back to "Stay at Home" for at least two weeks.

No owners/managers of vacation rentals can honor reservations as of Wednesday August 19th.

All restaurants will be closed and open for take-out only.

All non-essential businesses must close.

Beaches were already closing at 4PM on weekends and holidays and will now be closed at noon on weekends and holidays.

If you have made plans to travel here, please contact your airline and your accommodation owner/manager.

"Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life — and travel — leaves marks on you.”
-Anthony Bourdain