Billtjw yes results from regional health department the next morning by their app which was basically pos or neg if you get a pos I'm sure you can expect a phone call.In our case the test was taken at 11am Friday and printable results were available Monday morning with all the technical stuff. So does that mean we would have to land on SXM on Monday I hope they accept results on a cell phone, that's cutting it to close.This was done through a website you have to create an account with them to access test results and apparently you have to take a selfie with your health card by your face to compare photo to person.It worked well we got a lab report that we can travel with. I believe MyChart says results within a week and in our case test was done on 21th and run date on lab report is 24th which included a weekend so it would be interesting to have a test done on a Monday and see when the lab report is available. My wife suggest that since she has already had the test that I go on a Monday and I said if you're negative then I'm good. I think I'll lose this one