Originally Posted by Zanshin
Since I have my boat in the BVI I'll have to return, but with these conditions (considering I'll have to stay in a hotel rather than on my comfortable boat) I feel held over a barrel by the BVI. The hypocrisy of saying they are opening to tourists while imposing restrictions that will make any sane tourist opt for another island destination is just too much. And we know how it will end up - the website won't work and people will be denied entry. The wait at the airport will be interminable. The "approved taxis", "approved hotels", "approved insurance", "approved tests" will be at inflated prices, inferior service, and a few belongers will profit handsomely while the majority will not see much, if any, tourism dollars. There will be new fees and surcharges; and the only consolation is that the anchorages will be either empty or at least less crowded.

I wonder what the BVI government is charging places to get "certified"?

Zanshin - maybe consider having her delivered to the USVI. There are several very reputable companies allowed to perform this service. I know one captain that has done several deliveries that I would trust with my boat. Let me know if you'd like a reference.

Regarding approval. We were inspected and approved to house quarantine guest back in June. There was not a charge at that time to be approved.

Coconut Breeze Villas
Cane Garden Bay